The cube3d project is a sophisticated 3D rendering application written in Rust, utilizing the Druid framework for GUI development. This comprehensive analysis will explore all aspects of the project, from its core structure to the intricate details of its 3D graphics implementation.
Project Structure and State Management
At the heart of the application is the AppState
struct, which encapsulates the entire state of the 3D scene:
#[derive(Clone, Data)]
struct AppState {
angle_x: f64,
angle_y: f64,
translation: [f64; 2],
debug: bool,
paused: bool,
wireframe: bool,
zoom: f64,
RustThis structure maintains the current rotation angles, translation vector, debug mode status, pause state, wireframe rendering mode, and zoom level. The #[derive(Clone, Data)]
attribute ensures that the state can be cloned and conforms to Druid’s Data
trait for efficient updates.
The CubeWidget
The core of the rendering logic is encapsulated in the CubeWidget
struct CubeWidget {
frames_since_last_update: usize,
last_fps_calculation: Instant,
fps: f64,
dragging_rotation: bool,
dragging_translation: bool,
last_mouse_pos: Point,
RustThis widget handles user interactions, maintains FPS calculations, and manages the rendering loop.
Event Handling and User Interaction
The event
method of the Widget
trait implementation for CubeWidget
processes various events:
fn event(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, event: &Event, data: &mut AppState, _env: &Env) {
match event {
Event::WindowConnected => { /* ... */ }
Event::Timer(_) => { /* ... */ }
Event::KeyDown(key_event) => { /* ... */ }
Event::MouseDown(mouse_event) => { /* ... */ }
Event::MouseMove(mouse_event) => { /* ... */ }
Event::MouseUp(mouse_event) => { /* ... */ }
Event::Wheel(wheel_event) => { /* ... */ }
_ => {}
RustThis method handles:
- Window connection and timer events for animation
- Keyboard inputs for toggling various modes (debug, pause, wireframe)
- Mouse events for rotation and translation
- Mouse wheel events for zooming
3D Rendering Pipeline
The paint
method implements the core 3D rendering pipeline:
- Initialization: Sets up the pixel buffer and z-buffer.
- Vertex Definition: Defines the cube’s vertices and faces in 3D space.
- Transformation: Applies rotation and translation to the vertices:
let transformed_vertices: Vec<[f64; 3]> = vertices
.map(|&(x, y, z)| {
let rotated = multiply_matrix_vector(&rotation_matrix, &[x, y, z]);
rotated[0] + data.translation[0] / scale,
rotated[1] + data.translation[1] / scale,
Rust- Normal Calculation: Computes vertex normals for lighting calculations:
let mut vertex_normals = vec![[0.0; 3]; vertices.len()];
for &(a, b, c, d) in faces.iter() {
let normal = calculate_normal(
// ... normal accumulation and normalization
Rust- Rasterization: The
function implements the rasterization process:
fn draw_triangle(
v0: &Vertex,
v1: &Vertex,
v2: &Vertex,
pixel_data: &mut [u8],
z_buffer: &mut [f64],
width: usize,
height: usize,
light_pos_world: &[f64; 3],
base_color: Color,
) {
// ... bounding box calculation
// ... barycentric coordinate interpolation
// ... depth testing and pixel coloring
RustThis function performs edge walking, barycentric coordinate interpolation, depth testing, and per-pixel lighting calculations.
Lighting Model
The project implements a simple directional lighting model:
fn calculate_light_intensity(
normal: &[f64; 3],
position: &[f64; 3],
light_pos: &[f64; 3],
) -> f64 {
// ... light direction calculation
let dot_product =
normal[0] * light_dir[0] + normal[1] * light_dir[1] + normal[2] * light_dir[2];
dot_product.max(0.1) // Ensure a minimum ambient light
RustThis function calculates the light intensity based on the dot product between the surface normal and the light direction, ensuring a minimum ambient light level.
Wireframe Rendering
The application supports a wireframe rendering mode:
if data.wireframe {
// Draw edges
for &(start, end) in &edges {
let v0 = &vertices_with_normals[start];
let v1 = &vertices_with_normals[end];
&mut pixel_data,
} else {
// ... solid face rendering
RustDebug Information
When debug mode is enabled, the application displays various information on the screen:
if data.debug {
// Draw program name and version
// Draw angles, translation, light position, FPS, and zoom level
// ...
RustPerformance Considerations
The application implements several performance optimizations:
- FPS Calculation: Updated every second to avoid unnecessary computations.
- Bounding Box Optimization: Rasterization only iterates over the bounding box of each triangle.
- Z-Buffer: Ensures correct depth ordering of rendered triangles.
- Efficient Matrix Operations: Custom matrix multiplication functions optimized for 3×3 matrices and 3D vectors.
Main Function and Application Launch
The main
function sets up the initial application state and launches the Druid application:
pub fn main() -> Result<(), PlatformError> {
let main_window = WindowDesc::new(CubeWidget::new())
.title(LocalizedString::new("3D Cube with Per-Pixel Lighting"))
.window_size((400.0, 400.0));
let initial_state = AppState {
angle_x: 0.0,
angle_y: 0.0,
translation: [0.0, 0.0],
debug: false,
paused: false,
wireframe: false,
zoom: 1.0,
The cube3d project is a comprehensive demonstration of 3D graphics programming in Rust. It showcases key computer graphics concepts such as 3D transformations, rasterization, and lighting calculations, while leveraging Rust’s performance and safety features. The use of the Druid framework for GUI handling allows for a responsive and interactive 3D visualization application.
The project’s structure, with its clear separation of concerns between state management, event handling, and rendering logic, makes it an excellent example of well-organized graphics programming. Its implementation of both solid and wireframe rendering modes, along with debug information display, provides a versatile tool for understanding and experimenting with 3D graphics concepts.